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Bachelor’s Degree in Music

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Bachelor’s Degree in Music

We are proud to let you know that upon your completion of our Advance Diploma in Performance or Advance Diploma in Production program, we are able to help you secure and facilitate an admission with any of our partner schools in the UK and the US to pursue a full degree in music production or music performance. Our assistance does not stop at securing admission for you, we also guide you in assembling your documentation for your visa application and provide study advisory support for you all through your program.

DURATION: The duration of the degree program could be any time from 18 months to 3 years, depending on the school and your level of proficiency as an applicant.

ONLINE OR ON-CAMPUS: You have the option to choose either to run your entire degree program online from anywhere you are in the world or travel down to the school to take lessons on campus, depending on your preferred school and the size of tuition fees available to you. The online option is usually cheaper, but the quality of education and qualifications you receive in the end is the same as the on-campus option.


ONLINE: From $7, 500 per year to $12, 000 per year
ON-CAMPUS: From $16, 000 to $22, 000 per year




Call our international admission desk on +234 806 702 4255 or email admin@tenstrings.org